
ZIMCARE is a non-profit making organisation registered under the Private Voluntary Organisation Act (Chapter 17:05) with the mandate of caring and creating enabling learning environment for children with intellectual challenges in Zimbabwe so that they can realise their full potential. We fulfil the above roles through social protection programmes, which include, among other things , education, rehabilitation and social transfers in 14 centres where we have intellectually challenged children. Our vision is informed by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNRC) especially Article 23 and the African Charter Article 13.


To be the leading Private Voluntary Organization in the creation of an enabling environment in which learning and care programmes are tailor-made to suit the special needs of persons who are intellectually challenged so that they can acquire and use lifeskills.


To facilitate an environment in which all learning and care programmes are anchored on individual needs so that each person is assisted to excel within his or her abilities.


Core Values

  • Integrity
  • Teamwork
  • Diligence
  • Professionalism
  • Commitment
  • Research and Development


Sharon Cohen Special School cares for 86 learners , 58 boys and 28 girls. All learners are intellectually challenges and their conditions range across the spectrum Down-syndrome, Cerebral palsy, Hemiplegia, Autism, Retardation and Perceptual disorders.

The majority of the learners’ parents or guardians are unemployed with almost non-existent financial means hence they are unable to pay school levies , seek medical treatment or food.

The school transports learners to and from school using the school bus and provides  the learners with two meals  in the morning and afternoon.


There are eleven specialist teachers who teach and care for the Intellectually challenged learners.

These are two males  and nine female teachers. There 12 non-teaching staff members, 4 males and 8 females.

The Curriculum

Learners are allocated in various classes based  on their progress and performance. Beginners learn self help skills e.g toileting, bathing,  behavior etc. Most advanced learners are taught practicals together with basic numeracy and literacy skills.


New Curriculum learning areas such as Maths, and Science, Indigenous languages, English ,Heritage Social Studies ,Agriculture, Physical education and Mass displays, Visual and Performance Arts and Information and Communication Technology are also  offered through Individual instruction plans.


Learners also compete with other ZIMCARE schools in Athletics, Netball, Volleyball, Percussion band and Traditional dance as well as Tag Rugby.


Senior boys and girls are taught Vocational Skills such as Art and Crafts, Home Economics, Sewing , Gardening, Chicken rearing etc. We wish to establish workshops for vocational training to cater for adults and school leavers. Plans are underway.

Get in Touch. Get Involved.


Ms. B.L Baleka

Cell: 0773 626 322


Mrs. D. Nyatsine

Cell: 0772 855 849

I.C.T. Teacher

Mrs. L. Banhu

Cell 0773 288 959

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